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You know the state of your health better than anyone. If you have any medical issues that you feel might be a contraindication, then we suggest you get clearance from your doctor.

Not advised for microblading:

- Clients who have epilepsy, diabetes, hemophilia or a heart disease of any kind should have a physicians approval prior to any tattooing procedure.

- Clients who are pregnant or nursing - although there is no medical evidence that tattooing would have any effect on an unborn child, we don't know for sure. We suggest that you err on the side of caution and come back after the baby is born and you are no longer nursing.

- Clients under 18 years of age.

- Clients on Accutane, Retin-A, or Topical steroids that thin the skin. Depending on the condition of your skin, it may be too fragile to undergo procedure. You should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent make-up.

- Clients on prescription strength medication or undergoing treatments that affect the dermal layer of the skin 

- Clients on anticoagulants (blood thinners), long term use of aspirin, ibuprofen and some herbal medications. These medications may reduce clotting time resulting in increased bleeding and bruising. This could affect the implantation of pigment as well as increase the healing time.

- Clients who have an auto-immune disease should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent make-up.

- Diabetic clients. If you are diabetic you are not a candidate for permanent make-up. Healing could be compromised and take longer than average. However, if your doctor feels that your condition is under control you may request a letter stating that you are able to undergo cosmetic tattooing.

- Clients who have glaucoma are not candidates for permanent eyeliner. Increased intra ocular pressure combined with pressure placed on the eye to apply eyeliner could be damaging. It is important to have this condition under control and/or refer to your physician for further consent to the application of eyeliner.

- Clients with blood disorders that affect clotting such as hemophilia, sickle cell anemia and platelet disorders could interfere with implantation of pigment, however it is possible to receive successful implantation of permanent cosmetics.

- Clients with mitral valve prolapse, artificial heart valves, or artificial joints or any person that requires prophylactic antibiotics before dental or other procedures will need to consult their physician for treatment prior to permanent make-up

- Clients with herpes simplex.  People who get fever blisters and/or cold sores may experience an outbreak after procedures. It's imperative that you discuss the procedure with your physician before the procedure and receive proper instructions on how to prevent an outbreak post procedure. Most physicians will offer a prescription for Zovirax or Valtrex to take prior to and after procedure.

- Clients with a history of keloid or hyperthophic scarring. Persons with tendencies for this type of scarring have the same risk with tattoo.

- If there are any blemishes, pimples, active cold sores, irritation of the skin of any kind, moles or other skin imperfections in or around the area of the procedure, we will not be able to do the procedure until the blemish or area of concern is healed or removed.

You must wait if you've recently had:

- Eye surgery.  If you have had Lasik, cornea repair etc. You will need to wait at least 6 months before permanent makeup procedure on your eyes.

- Scars from surgery or injury must be healed for at least one year prior to service. 

- You must be off Retin-A or retinols 7 days prior to appointment and avoid using on or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.